Friday, 1 August 2014

Post-Museum Post (31 July 2014): AwakentheDragon/Post-PopUp

Dear friend,
This Sat, we have 3 events, hope you can join us!
Firstly, we are conducting an Awaken the Dragon public workshop at the Guan Huat dragon kiln at 11am. Secondly, we are providing the venue for a literary event at 2pm in Post-PopUp. And, thirdly, we are hosting Talk 5: A Year in Film Factory, a talk by Ghazi Alqudcy, in Post-PopUp at 7.30pm.
Also, do look out for our exhibition opening next Wed evening!
More info below.
Thanks and see you again soon!
1. This Sat (2 Aug), 11am-12.30pm
Awaken the Dragon Public Workshop 
Jalan Bahar Clay Studios (Guan Huat Dragon Kiln)
Get a tour of one of the last two dragon kilns left in Singapore and also a hands-on workshop where you will make your own claywork which will be fired in the dragon kiln in Nov. Join us in this unique experience of singapore's heritage, and together, we can awaken the dragon!
2. This Sat (2 Aug), 2.30-5.30pm
Scribbled - A literary meet
A unique literary meet where you get to talk about a book important to you, discover other books, exercise your writing muscle and take home someone else's book. 
3. This Sat (2 Aug), 7.30-9pm
Talk 5: A Year in Film Factory - Talk by Ghazi Alqudcy
Pay what you want
Local filmmaker Ghazi will talk about his experience participating in Bela Tarr’s project ‘Film Factory’, his feature-length omnibus and an idea for a new film project.
4. Next Wed (6 Aug), 7-10pm
Happiness, Prosperity and Progress
Pay what you want
A selection of artworks for our 49th National Day. Exhibition continues till 17 Aug.
5. Till Sep, any time
Awaken the Dragon 2014 Group Workshops
Any place
Join us for this community and heritage art event where we fire the dragon kiln! We are seeking participants to attend our workshops and make clay artworks which will be fired in the dragon kiln during our festival in November. Gather 20 people and we will conduct a workshop at your  
preferred location, at your preferred time. You can also choose to do a workshop at the dragon kiln at only $5 more person!

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